A simple typing game that I made in Godot to start getting into game development. It's certainly not the most polished game, but I believe I accomplished my personal goal of learning some of the basics of Godot.

The Game:

At set intervals your keys will shift from their normal state to either a hot or cold state, slowly damaging your keyboard as long as they aren't at their normal temperature. You must prevent your keyboard from breaking for as long as possible by shifting your hands into the opposing hot or cold state and pressing the keys to return them to their normal temperature.


  • Letter Keys: Presses the keys on the keyboard
  • Shift/Enter/Space: Swaps the temperature of your hands
  • Esc: Pauses the game


The "Options" button currently doesn't do anything. That being said, since this was just a simple learning project, I'll most likely move onto something else rather than adjusting or expanding this game.


  • www.kenney.nl
  • Key Sprites: Kenney Input Prompts
  • Key Press Sound Effect: Kenney UI Audio (Switch37)
Made withGodot

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